Impact and Evaluation Consultant

making your
data impactful

Are you struggling to demonstrate impact to funders?

Almost all small and medium sized charities are doing valuable work but don’t have the time, money or expertise to understand what impact their work is actually having and be able to demonstrate this to funders and stakeholders. This is where I come in!

Many charities are missing out on excellent funding opportunities because they don’t know how to do impact reports and build a case for their chosen projects. I specialise in research and help you every step of the way, from collecting and analysing data and turning the findings into engaging material which can be used for funding and marketing materials.


Hi, i’m Husnara an evaluation specialist with over 16 years experience working across Government research, charities and academic institutions in the UK.

I empower charities and non-profit organisations understand the impact of their work through research and evaluations and help charities secure funding opportunities.

How I can help?

-I help charities develop, evaluate and improve their services and products.

-I help charities demonstrate the impact of their work through rigorous quantitative and qualitative research.

-I help charities save valuable time and money by identifying what is working and what isn’t in the projects and identify where to make improvements.


recent projects



We analyse your data and turn it into insights to help you understand what is working and what isn’t in the services you are running at your charity.

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Fundraising support

Charities and non-profits often face difficulties communicating with funders, particularly in demonstrating the impact of their work or having the data necessary to support a new project or initiative.

Marketing materials

We can turn your data into powerful and engaging marketing materials. We provide you content specifically designed for you to use across a range of social media,